The Juggle Is Real
Business & Life
4 Ways to Use Videos in your Online Course
It's no secret that video has become a powerful tool for marketing and education. With the advent of YouTube, Facebook Live, Periscope, Snapchat Stories, TikTok, and other platforms where anyone can upload videos in seconds to share with the world, it is not surprising that video as an educational tool is gaining popularity.
If you're still on the fence about using video in your course or are not sure how to incorporate it into your strategy, this blog post will give you some great ideas about …
Dropping an Automation Truth Bomb On You
Here is an automation myth I hear too often…
It takes too long to automate parts of my business.
Not true!!!
Actually it’s the opposite of true.
While there are some areas of automation that require a longer investment in time, you can get some super quick automation wins if you know where to focus your efforts and energy.
Today I’m sharing 3 of my favourite speedy automation wins with you.
- Add an auto response to your inbox - let people know that their email has been received and you’ll…
The First Time I Failed at Course Creation
Very early on in my business I decided to create a mini-course to bring some passive income into my business.
My plan was to create a 1 module, 3 lesson course, sell it for $27 and sit back and watch the money roll in.
So I did what most first-time course creators do…
I started creating content.
I wrote my scripts, filmed the videos, loaded them to my video host, created the emails to deliver the trainings, designed a super simple sales page, and wrote some social posts to promote it.
And I…
My Most common Tech Q
“What platform do you recommend?”
This is probably the most common question people have asked me over the last few years.
And it’s the easiest question to answer because I have one recommendation…
Doing what I do means that I have worked with the most well-known, and not-so-well-known platforms that can help you get results in your business.
Some of them are wonderful…
Some of them not so much…
And even though I have serious shiny object syndrome and a new piece of tech hitting …
Are you making this mistake with automation?
If you’ve been following me for more than 5 minutes, then you know I love automation. Actually, it’s more than just loving automation. I am passionate about it, it’s my zone of genius, and I get so much joy in sharing the power of automation with other coaches and consultants.
But there is a big mistake that I see people making when they automate parts of their business.
They jump straight into putting the process on autopilot without considering how effective the process is first. That’s not …
Want automation success? Time to get smart with your automation goals
If you were to make contact with me about automating your business, one of the first questions I would ask you would be “What are your goals with automation?”
Some of the typical responses I hear are
to save time,
to stop being so manual,
to not have to do the things that don’t light them up.
While these are certainly goals, they are so general that it’s going to be very difficult to determine if you have been successful in attaining them.
It may seem cliche to say that you need to be ‘…
How do I outline my Course?
One of the questions I get asked quite a bit in regards to course creation is how to get started with outlining the content for the course. Once someone has decide to create a course this can be a big roadblock; deciding what to include and how to include it.
In my Course Creation Formula, I share the structure of outlining your course as The Roadmap to Transformation.
Through our course, we are taking our students from a pre-transformational state to a post-transformation state.
From their c…
Vogue 73 Questions
I’ve got 73 questions and answers coming your way today, inspired by Vogue Magazine’s 73 question series.
I’ve watched a lot of these videos and they are great; they give you a lot of insight into the people answering the questions and help dispel a lot of myths and assumptions.
The basis of it is that you are asked and answer the questions in a single take, and in under 10 do overs, no second takes, no take backs.
So below check out my answers to the 73 questions…
And once you…
Get Your Sales Funnel Basics Sorted
I love a good sales funnel.
I enjoy the strategy that goes into crafting a profitable and solid sales funnel, looking at the journey my customer is going to take with my business through this funnel.
It’s one of my favorite things to create in my business.
But I know that it’s not everyone’s cup of tea.
It can be overwhelming, confusing and a daunting prospect for so many coaches and consultants.
It’s an area that I get questions about all the time.
- Do I really need a sales to funn…
Why You Should Be Using Persuasive Storytelling To Build Your Email List
You need a list!
I bet you’ve heard that more than once.
When I first started in business I certainly did.
For the first few months though I was oblivious to how important having a list really was and I had just put it to the side as something to get to one day.
But I began to realise that there must be some significance to this whole list thing.
Any time I engaged with a mentor or peer who had been in business for a while, I was being asked the same question…” How big is your list?”.
So …
The Top 5 Systemisation Mistakes
I can say with a fair amount of confidence that most, if not all, business owners want to see growth and success in their business.
When you google “how to grow my business” you’re hit with 998,000,000 results, which tells me 1. That people are searching for this and 2. Other people have “solutions” to this question.
In my experience, there has been a common missing piece in a lot of businesses I’ve seen that are struggling for growth and reach…
If you want to grow you must c…
5 Simple Steps to Systemise Your Business
I’m going to take a punt that one of the reasons you started your online business was because you wanted the freedom that comes with being your own boss.
Am I right?
It was definitely a pretty big motivator when I kicked off my business just over 3 years ago.
Unfortunately though, at some point reality sets in and you may discover that you’re now busier than ever. You can barely find the time to drink your coffee before it gets cold, or eat a quick meal…
Let alone enjoy this new business.
3 Reasons To Love Unsubscribes
If you are fairly new to email marketing, or even if you’ve been at it for a bit but still have a relatively small list, you may feel a sense of dread when you log in to your CRM and see your list numbers have dropped because you’ve had some unsubscribes.
You might get a sinking feeling in your gut and start to wonder what you’ve done wrong, or if it’s even worth having a list of people if some are going to unsubscribe.
A lot of us have been there. Disappointed by the unsubscribes and scrambli…
The Productive Solopreneur Series | My 3 Tips to Deal With The Entrepreneurial Rollercoaster
Let me ask you something…
How has your journey as an entrepreneur played out so far? As a graph what does it look like?
Is it a horizontal line heading straight to the sky, a smooth journey from not being an entrepreneur to being a super successful entrepreneur with not a single hiccup?
Does it look something like a three-year-old has grabbed a crayon and gone crazy on a piece of paper?
My journey definitely looks like something my little guy, Noah, does at daycare…
And that’s normal.
The Productive Solopreneur Series | How to Get Into a State of Ultimate Productivity
A flow state is an almost-mythic state of superhuman performance and focus.
In a flow state, people are said to perform their very best work, to see creative insights that would otherwise be lost to them, to focus for hours on end, and even to enjoy a feeling of euphoria!
But this is no myth.
The flow state is a very real psychological phenomenon that has been written about by countless psychologists and neuroscientists. And it is something that anyone can tap into if they want to get more …