The Juggle Is Real
Get Your Sales Funnel Basics Sorted
I love a good sales funnel.
I enjoy the strategy that goes into crafting a profitable and solid sales funnel, looking at the journey my customer is going to take with my business through this funnel.
It’s one of my favorite things to create in my business.
But I know that it’s not everyone’s cup of tea.
It can be overwhelming, confusing and a daunting prospect for so many coaches and consultants.
It’s an area that I get questions about all the time.
- Do I really need a sales to funn…
Why You Should Be Using Persuasive Storytelling To Build Your Email List
You need a list!
I bet you’ve heard that more than once.
When I first started in business I certainly did.
For the first few months though I was oblivious to how important having a list really was and I had just put it to the side as something to get to one day.
But I began to realise that there must be some significance to this whole list thing.
Any time I engaged with a mentor or peer who had been in business for a while, I was being asked the same question…” How big is your list?”.
So …
The Top 5 Systemisation Mistakes
I can say with a fair amount of confidence that most, if not all, business owners want to see growth and success in their business.
When you google “how to grow my business” you’re hit with 998,000,000 results, which tells me 1. That people are searching for this and 2. Other people have “solutions” to this question.
In my experience, there has been a common missing piece in a lot of businesses I’ve seen that are struggling for growth and reach…
If you want to grow you must c…
5 Simple Steps to Systemise Your Business
I’m going to take a punt that one of the reasons you started your online business was because you wanted the freedom that comes with being your own boss.
Am I right?
It was definitely a pretty big motivator when I kicked off my business just over 3 years ago.
Unfortunately though, at some point reality sets in and you may discover that you’re now busier than ever. You can barely find the time to drink your coffee before it gets cold, or eat a quick meal…
Let alone enjoy this new business.
3 Reasons To Love Unsubscribes
If you are fairly new to email marketing, or even if you’ve been at it for a bit but still have a relatively small list, you may feel a sense of dread when you log in to your CRM and see your list numbers have dropped because you’ve had some unsubscribes.
You might get a sinking feeling in your gut and start to wonder what you’ve done wrong, or if it’s even worth having a list of people if some are going to unsubscribe.
A lot of us have been there. Disappointed by the unsubscribes and scrambli…
The Productive Solopreneur Series | My 3 Tips to Deal With The Entrepreneurial Rollercoaster
Let me ask you something…
How has your journey as an entrepreneur played out so far? As a graph what does it look like?
Is it a horizontal line heading straight to the sky, a smooth journey from not being an entrepreneur to being a super successful entrepreneur with not a single hiccup?
Does it look something like a three-year-old has grabbed a crayon and gone crazy on a piece of paper?
My journey definitely looks like something my little guy, Noah, does at daycare…
And that’s normal.
The Productive Solopreneur Series | How to Get Into a State of Ultimate Productivity
A flow state is an almost-mythic state of superhuman performance and focus.
In a flow state, people are said to perform their very best work, to see creative insights that would otherwise be lost to them, to focus for hours on end, and even to enjoy a feeling of euphoria!
But this is no myth.
The flow state is a very real psychological phenomenon that has been written about by countless psychologists and neuroscientists. And it is something that anyone can tap into if they want to get more …
The Productive Solopreneur Series | How a Change of Scene Can Make You More Productive
One of the biggest challenges for anyone who works online is managing to stay productive and efficient without the external pressure of a boss breathing down your neck.
This is combined with the negative influence of having all your favorite things surrounding you at any given time.
Then there’s the fact that you are probably going to be interrupted repeatedly by friends and family.
Or how about the challenge of switching off from work once you’ve finished, given that you actually work AND…
The Productive Solopreneur Series | Digital Minimalism
If you’re looking at ways to boost your productivity you’ve probably considered your physical environment. What is happening around you that either increases or decreases your level of productivity?
Perhaps you’ve even considered how your physical health and ability to focus on the task at hand impacts how productive you are each day.
But have you given much thought to the psychological factors that impact your daily output?
In my last blog post in this series, I looked at how to begin the pr…
The Productive Solopreneur Series | How To Stop Thinking About Work
A term that every entrepreneur, solopreneur, and wantrepreneur (yep that’s a term) should know about is The Zeigarnik Effect.
But I’m going to guess that you’re not familiar with this term. Actually, I suspect that you’ve probably never heard of it.
Am I right?
And that’s a shame because…
Understanding this concept is what can help you to gain a better separation between work and relaxation, while also being more focused and more productive.
That is a win/win in my books.
So, what is the …
Take a Peek Inside my Course Creation Toolbox
If you’ve been following me for 5 minutes then you know I love me some course creation. I’m hugely passionate about it and it’s an area that I love working in. It’s so rewarding to help someone take their idea for a course and craft it into a reality...a winning online course that is filled with ideal students and is a significant, profitable asset for their business.
When I have that initial conversation with prospective clients around building their course, one of the questions that typicall…
6 Key Steps To Creating A Winning Content Marketing Strategy
Don’t be intimidated if you’re new to the world of content marketing. We all start somewhere and it’s nowhere near as complicated, or stressful as you may think.
There are six key steps you need to consider to create a winning content marketing strategy and I’m going to cover each of those steps for you in this blog post.
1. Set your goals
Why are you creating your content? What are you hoping to achieve with crafting a content marketing strategy? Setting a goal for your strategy can mean the…
5 Ways Content Marketing Can Benefit Your Brand
If you’re a coach or consultant who shies away from content marketing because you think it’s a fad, and one that is going to die out soon, then it’s time to change your perception. It’s a solid marketing strategy that has brought success to brands of all sizes. And when it’s done correctly, it is going to benefit your business for a long, long time.
Trust me when I tell you that it’s a strategy that you want to introduce into marketing your coaching and consulting business...and one that is go…
Top 10 Content Types For Your Content Marketing Campaigns
When you think about ‘Content Marketing’ what comes to mind? If you’re like most people, you’re probably thinking of there is only one type of content...the written kind; blogs, articles, ebooks. And that tends to be what most coaches and consultants focus on when they’re creating their content. But the truth is that if you want to make the most of your content marketing endeavours, you’re going to have to explore other types of content as well. This will help you cast a wider net over your targ…
3 Easy Ways to Market Your New Online Course
So, you’ve got an idea for an online course and you’re ready to get creating?
Not so quickly lovely.
It may seem a bit backward, but creating the content for your course shouldn’t be at the top of your list.
What comes first?
Selling it!
You may be thinking that I’ve completely lost it...that you can’t sell something you haven’t created, but trust me on this. You can...and you should!
I’m going to share with you the three best ways to marketing your online course, using tried and true t…